Art Space in Berlin
Single Space
Berlin, Deutschland
Referenz : ZSS7Q
110 m2
Are you looking for a location for your next meeting or workshop? Then you have found the right spot. You can rent this contemporary art gallery for up to 50 people. If needed, you can also rent the second, smaller gallery located in the same garden for break out sessions or as a room to serve catering. Why not use the Japanese style garden for a break or as inspiration for a brainstorming session?

The technical equipment available at this space includes: 6 TV screens of different sizes, a projector, an 8 channel sound mixer, a Yamaha PA system and LED stage lighting with light mixer. Everything needed for a successful workshop can be rented for a fee.

Furthermore, 50 chairs and 3 tables are available. More can be rented on request.

All the catering you need can also be ordered. A coffee shop and a Spanish tapas bar are located right next to the room and can provide filling meals, finger food, snacks and coffee breaks, as well as the standard conference drinks and even wine and beer to wind down after a day of inspiring talks.

However, please note that there should be no noise after 10pm.

The spaces are approximatlly 110 m2, plus there is another 50 m2 in the basement of Art Space 1. This space can be used by the client to store their equipment etc, and use the toliet. The second toilet is located in a seperate room in the garden.
Der Space ist geeignet für:
Ausstattung in deinem Space
Tische und Stühle
Tische und Stühle


(1 Tag). Storniert der NUTZER bis mindestens 24 Stunden vor Buchungseingang, erhält er 100% des Gesamtpreises abzüglich der fälligen Leistungstarife und Steuern zurück. Storniert der NUTZER hingegen weniger als 24 Stunden vor Buchungseingang, werden die nicht genutzten Tage oder Stunden nicht zurückerstattet. Sie werden auch dann nicht zurückerstattet, wenn sich der NUTZER entscheidet, das Geschäftslokal vor Ablauf des Vertrages zu verlassen.
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